Open Season On Redlegoguy

4 min readNov 1, 2018

Another eventful week.

Well after talking mad shit, followed by some of the most unironic butthurt babyraging I’ve ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon I think its safe to say that memes about Redlego guy are, well…

Courtesy of MidOrChen

But first, some background.

From DM between Lego and Chen

This exchange was from the Monday before the game, lego having a good old bitch and moan as could be expected.

After getting 2–0'd Sunday night, (in a series of games that could only be described with this image:)

Courtesy of S A D B O Y S

Lego proceeds to drop this gem in captain/admin chat:

I got bitched at for keeping this one so the source will stay confidential

This display provoked a few good memes RtK’s post 2–0 high.

I made this one myself
Courtesy of S A D B O Y S

Following that eloquent statement from Lego comes another, equally thoughtless and rage fueled comment:

Also from the captain/admin chat

Which, ironically, comes from the same guy that published this masterwork:

Which earns him the following:

Courtesy of Antifufu

Redlegoguy complaining about flaming is a joke that writes itself.

Make a Redlegoguy flame meme if you want to be featured in next week’s blog, and back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Scrub’s Post Week 5Power Rankings: S3

Honestly I hate the current format because game outcomes never cause upsets. High rank teams only go vs high rank teams and if either loses its whatever because they're both good. Conversely, in trashcan vs trashcan it doesn't matter who wins because both are near the same trash tier.

I want to see m21 beat debruyne again so I can abandon again.

#12 On suicide watch (Mous: No change)

Well its been a hard fall from grace for Mous, from one of the best players in league that always has good teams to the bottom of the pit. Clare unironically watching Mr. Mouse for suicide.

#11 No disband? (Luth: no change)

While I am honestly surprised this team hasn't disbanded, if you dont make playoffs its just like you disbanded.

#10 No ban again plz (Bubbles: No change)

Bubbles is down but not out, he has to 2–0 the rest of his games to make playoffs. I dont think he can or will but thats how it goes.

#9 Under new management again (Xshal now? what the fuck guys?: Down from #7)

With Rockwell going MIA during last weeks game, Xshal is the new captain of the week. I dont think this team has what it takes to make it to playoffs, even if the players individual should be capable of it.

#8 Redlegodog (Redlegoguy: down from #6)

See above

#7 Bench yourself (Choco: up from #8)

Stop doing meme shit and actually play. Bubbles should be ez 2–0 and that might give Choco the points he needs to keep in the running.

#6 Three way tie for middle of pack (Hollywood: up from #9)

Hollywood seems to keep winning games despite the fact i think his team looks like dog. Whatever works for ya i guess.

#5 Broken Back (Cerys: down from #3)

While I do think the “rely on duck to win game” strat is a bit 1 dimensional, it appears to be effective when duck is playing on his computer and not a fischer price laptop.

#4 offlaners lul? (Crypt1c: up from #5)

Im not certain how Crypt1c ended up in 4th place but whatever theyre doing appears to be pretty effective so idk.

#3 im straight out of gay jokes (Kyrix: up from #4)

Going 1–1 with Inno is a pretty good result so they’ve got that going for them, though Kyrix is dangerously close to losing several players and getting them replaced with free agents.

#2 Innocence lost (Inno: no change)

Well after losing 2–0 to RtK, Inno drops another game.

#1 Sadboys ruins my party rank games (Chen: no change)

We already qualified for playoffs so meme strats inbound.


Mouse 0–2 Hollywood

Crypt1c 1–1 Inno

Cerys 0–2 Chen

Bubbles 0–2 Choco

Rotating Captain 1–1 Luth

Kyrix 2–0 Redlegoguy

The only result that would really be an upset here is RtK going 0–2 but we already qualified so if im playing safelane next week its not a serious game.

And thats a wrap, as per usual, the rank up/down movement is in relation to last weeks blog which can be found here: (

Lego irl

